Sunday, June 28, 2015


In our lives, there are people we look up to, our icons so to speak, in our careers, in our lifestyles, and of course, in our fashion choices. For whatever reason we find these people inspirational. For today's outfit I've decided to take a few tips from one of my fashion icons the queen of popular media, Kim Kardashian. 

The Look

The look I most associate with Kim Kardashian is her crop top + pencil skirt look, so this was the original inspiration for my outfit.

 I liked the crop top, but I wasn't really feeling a bare stomach look.To get around that I took a tip from another Kim K pencil skirt look, and took the chance to accentuate the contrast between my waist and my hips. I couldn't really tuck in my crop top (obviously), so instead I used a belt to fill the empty space.

But it didn't feel Kim Kardashian enough for me, so I decided to pull the look together with my favorite Kim K style tip, draping a leather jacket over the shoulders. 

Add some short black pumps, and I got an outfit that said Kim Kardashian, but was still all my own style.

No matter who you look up to, when taking inspiration from your fashion heroes the most important thing to remember is not to lose yourself, because you yourself are an icon.

Always be an Icon,
Smallred <3

Try it again?

If I were to go for this look again, I think I'd want to see if I could go for the stomach bearing option, just to play around with it. I would also opt for higher heels. My biggest regret with this outfit is not playing with jewelry at all. Overall though, I felt like I was pretty well-balanced with the Kim K: Me ratio.

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